Yuchang Jiang

I'm a PhD student in the EcoVision Lab, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning, University of Zurich, supervised by Jan Dirk Wegner and Konrad Schindler. My research focuses on computer vision and remote sensing, with an emphasis on vegetation parameter estimation, forest type mapping, and imbalanced data challenges. I am driven by a passion for applying deep learning techniques to tackle scientific challenges. I have interned in Google DeepMind, mainly working with Maxim Neumann and Dan Morris.

I earned my master's degree from ETH Zurich and my bachelor's degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During my master's studies, I specialized in computer vision and deep learning, focusing on multi-object tracking and remote sensing challenges.

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I'm interested in computer vision, deep learning, and their applications in remote sensing.

Uncertainty Voting Ensemble for Imbalanced Deep Regression
Yuchang Jiang, Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot, Konrad Schindler, Jan Dirk Wegner
GCPR, 2024
arXiv / code

UVOTE integrates recent advances in probabilistic deep learning with an ensemble approach for imbalanced regression. We replace traditional regression losses with negative log-likelihood, which also predicts sample-wise aleatoric uncertainty.

Accuracy and Consistency of Space-based Vegetation Height Maps for Forest Dynamics in Alpine Terrain
Yuchang Jiang, Marius Rüetschi, Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot, Mauro Marty, Konrad Schindler, Christian Ginzler, Jan Dirk Wegner
Science of Remote Sensing, 2023
paper / code / data download

We generate annual, countrywide vegetation height maps at a 10-m ground sampling distance for the years 2017–2020 based on Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and deep learning.

SemSpray: Virtual Reality As-Is Semantic Information Labeling Tool for 3D Spatial Data
Yiming Zhao*, Cyprien Fol*, Yuchang Jiang, Tianyu Wu, Iro Armeni
European Conference on Computing in Construction, 2022
paper/ code

We propose Semantic Spray (Semspray), a Virtual Reality (VR) application that provides users with intuitive and handy tools to produce semantic information on as-is 3D spatial data (mesh) of buildings.

Learning a Sensor-invariant Embedding of Satellite Data: A Case Study for Lake Ice Monitoring
Manu Tom, Yuchang Jiang, Emmanuel Baltsavias, Konrad Schindler
Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IEEE), 2022

We develop a deep learning framework that learns a joint satellite embedding to fuse MODIS, VIIRS and S1-SAR satellite data for lake icce monitoring.

Multi-Target Multi-Camera Drone Tracking
Yuchang Jiang
Wissenschaftlich-​Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 2022

We propose an approach to track multiple drones in a roughly synchronized static camera network with unknown camera poses.

3D Player Tracking with Multi-View Stream
Yuchang Jiang, Ying Jiao, Yelan Tao, Tianyu Wu
3DV project, 2021
paper / code

We construct a working pipeline for 3d scooer player position tracking, including multi-object tracking in each camera view and multi-camera association.


I enjoy sports during feel time, mainly badmiton, squash, and swimming. My badminton team in BCZA is always looking for league palyers, especially female players for 2/3. Liga. Feel free to contact me if you're interested 🏸 🏸 🏸

Thank you for the template Jon Barron.